Tuba City Family Spirit program: Home visits

The Tuba City Family Spirit program is an in-home visitation program that provides services to teen parents and first-time mothers that are pregnant or with children under three years of age in the Tuba City service area. The goal of our program is to produce healthier pregnancies and healthier future generations through: providing health education around pregnancy, parenting, and healthy child development; connect-ing families with community resources; and providing life skills education. Click on linked image to download or view the brochure.

Tuba City CHR Outreach Program 

P.O. Box 517, Tuba, City, AZ 86045 Telephone Number: 928-283-3091 

Learn more and check out their video at: https://cih.jhu.edu/programs/family-spirit-home-visiting-program/ 

Understanding a Health Care Power of Attorney

Who will speak for you if you're unable to? Who will communicate your preferences to healthcare providers and caregivers if you can't? Choosing a health care power of attorney to make medical decisions on your behalf in the event of a serious health condition, accident or emergency is an important step in planning ahead for your healthcare.

The process of documenting your wishes does not need to be burdensome and not all decisions need to be made today. If you only do one thing in your advance care planning process this year, choose your person to be your voice if you are not able to express your wishes. Then document your election and register your advance directives in the Arizona Healthcare Directives Registry (AzHDR) to help ensure your decisions are honored and your treatment is guided by your wishes. Click on linked image to download or view the brochure.

Learn more at: AzHDR.org

Day session on Paternal Mental Health

Join us for an all day session of Paternal Mental Health, from 9am to 4pm in Window Rock, AZ. Sign up here: 123.com/signup

Learn how to use seatbelts correctly!

Join us on Saturday, November 2, 2024 for a half-day of safety instruction. Call us at 123-456-7890, or email us at 123@test.com

Diaper assistance is back!

Who qualifies? Each pre-newborn to 17-year old child in a household, and households whose income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). What should I bring? A parent or guardian I.D., the child’s birth certificate or document with parent and child’s names, and income verification. Sign up by contacting CCHHS Social Services at (928) 679-7272 in Flagstaff area / (928) 645-9400 in Page area or by visiting one of our offices, located in either Flagstaff or Page, Arizona.

Visit https://bit.ly/42nTDLB to learn more about CCHHS Social Services programs and services.

Take the Tribal PRAMS Toddler Survey

We invite you to take part in focus group discussions about health native toddlers and healthy native babies. Join us on:

April 4 in Gallup, NM

May 8 in Yelena Del Sur Pueblo, El Paso, TX

May 15 in Albuquerque, NM

From 7:30am - 4pm.