Welcome to navajomch.org

Vision: We envision a world of healthy and thriving Diné caregivers and children receiving culturally-safe, healing-centered, and accessible healthcare before, during, and after pregnancy, in seeking Hozho.

Mission: To empower and support Diné mothers and those who give birth, their partners, and families living on and around the Navajo Nation, in receiving equitable, culturally-appropriate healthcare before, during, and after pregnancy.

We provide useful health information for moms, moms-to-be, and their families and loved ones. Check out our podcasts on pregnancy, breastfeeding, our interviews with midwives and doulas, and local resources here on Navajo Nation.

Birth Resources on or near Navajo Nation

Click on icons below for more information.

Meet the Team

  • Amber-Rose Begay


    Amber-Rose Begay is Hashkhadzohi, born for Tachii'nii and her chei's are Tabaha, and her nali's are Naakai Dine'e. She is a Diné woman, originally from Shiprock, NM where she currently works and lives with her two children. Amber-Rose is the project coordinator of the Navajo Maternal and Child Health Project at Diné College. She received her A.S. in Public Health and B.A. in Psychology from Diné College. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Public Health degree online at Northern Arizona University.

  • Stacey Jo Litson, MPH


    Stacey Jo Litson is Tódích’íí’nii, born for Tábaahá and her chei's are Áshiihíí, and her nali's are Kinyaa'áanii. She is a Diné woman, originally from Tsaile, AZ where she currently works and lives with her family. Stacey is the Senior Project Coordinator of the Navajo Maternal and Child Health Project at Diné College. She received her B.S. in Public Health with minors in Biology and Psychology (2020) and her Masters in Public Health, with emphasis on Indigenous Health (2022), from Northern Arizona University. She loves to spend time with her niece, going on hikes, attending concerts, and advocating for maternal health on Navajo.

  • Neenah Trujillo


    Neenah Trujillo is from Ganado, AZ but resides in Tuba City, AZ. She is a senior at Dine College, pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health. Neenah has vast experience in public health with a background in COVID-19 and STI contact tracing and case management, maternal and child health, diabetes prevention, and suicide prevention. As an intern with the Navajo MCH, Neenah plays a key role in the CDC's Hear Her Campaign, providing research and feedback regarding maternal and child health, creating social media posts, and editing, writing, and voicing public service announcements. Neenah is also a certified Indigenous doula.

  • Mark Bauer, PhD

    Mark Bauer, PhD


    Dr. Bauer directs Diné College's program in Public Health. He has spent his career teaching Navajo undergraduate students, introducing them to research, leading to the development of a summer research training program that is designed from a Navajo cultural framework, and integrated into the public health bachelor and associate degree and certificate programs of the College.

  • Christopher Dickerson, PhD


    Dr. Dickerson currently leads courses on health policy, health disparities, epidemiology, and research methods. Having earned his Ph.D. in the Division of Health Policy and Management at the University of Minnesota, he supports the Navajo Maternal and Child Health Project by accessing and analyzing publicly-available data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the U.S. Census Bureau.

  • Craig Manning


    Craig Manning is an Adjunct faculty member at Diné College. He previously worked as a Health Communicator in CDC's Viral Special Pathogens Branch, and at the World Health Organization as a Health Scientist.

  • Cina Curley


    Cina Curley is Naakai Dine’eì, born for Ma’ii Deeshgiizhnii, her cheiis are Tl’aìaìschi’iì, and her nalis are Tl’aìaìschi’iì. She identifies as a Dineì woman. Cina was born and raised in Chinle, Arizona. She is a rising senior at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She is currently pursuing a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology with a secondary in Ethnicity, Migration, and Rights. She is extremely passionate about adolescent and adult mental health in Indigenous communities. She ultimately wants to return home to the Navajo Nation as a clinical psychologist, and give back to her community through promoting healing and hozhó.

  • Mercede Johnson


    Mercede Mae Johnson is Tó’áhání, born for Táchii’nii and her chei's are Ma’ii Deeshgiizhinii and her nali's are Tsé Ńjíkiní. She is a Dine' woman who currently resides in Tsaile, AZ, where she works and goes to school. She is a senior, pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Public Health. She is passionate about suicide prevention, mental health and helping others in Indigenous communities.

Colleagues and partners

  • Kelly McCue Nation, MPH


    Kelly McCue Nation is originally from Fort Collins, CO, but has called Flagstaff, AZ “home” since 2007. She completed her Bachelor of Science degree from Northern Arizona University and a Master of Public Health degree with an emphasis in Maternal and Child Health from Boston University. Kelly is a Research Scientist for the Center for Health Equity Research (CHER) at Northern Arizona University and is adjunct faculty at Diné College (course: PUH 360, American Indian Maternal, Child, and Sexual Health). Outside her work life, Kelly spends time with her husband Nick, mountain biking, trail running, and gardening.

  • DeeDee James, MPH


    DeeDee James (She/Her) is a Diné (Navajo) woman, originally from Promise Rock, AZ, and now residing in Flagstaff, AZ. Her matrilineal line is of the Tódích’ii’nii (Bitter Water clan), born of the Kinyaa’áanii (Towering House clan). Her maternal grandfathers’ lineage is of the Kinłichíí’nii (Red House clan), and her paternal grandfathers’ are of the Ta’neeszahnii (Tangle clan).

    DeeDee currently serves as a Research Coordinator at Northern Arizona University (NAU) - Center for Health Equity Research. Her academic journey includes earning a B.S. in Exercise Science with a minor in psychology, followed by her Masters of Public Health with an emphasis in Indigenous Health, both achieved at NAU.

    Beyond her professional endeavors, DeeDee finds joy in being an auntie, indulging in her love for hiking, powerlifting, and attending concerts. Her passions extend to advocacy, particularly for maternal and child health, and environmental health within the Navajo Nation.

  • Shannon Begay, B.S.

    Shannon Begay, B.S.

    Shannon Begay is from Rock Point, AZ. A senior at Diné College pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Science in public health. With a passion for healthcare and community well-being, she have gained valuable knowledge in various healthcare roles. Shannon has worked in contact tracing, as a public health tech, nursing assistant, creating social media posts, and is lactation trainee. Shannon is currently interning with the Navajo Maternal and child health program at Diné College.